Saturday, October 22, 2011

What People Don't Understand about Freelancing

Working at home, on your own time, without the hassle of having to be with other annoying people are some of the top perks of freelancing. Of course, there's also the fact that you don't have to bother about battling the traffic and the great compensation which makes it really great.

Sadly, there are also tons of disadvantages about working freelance. For one, a lot of people have no idea how it works. Some think that you're just sitting in front of the computer the whole day and doing nothing, when in fact that is already the very thing that's feeding you. What's worse is when these clueless people think that you can use your skills and computer knowledge for favors for them without a fee. But as the Joker says:

This is one thing that people should totally understand about freelancing. Freelancers earn from their skills - from the things they are good at. So, asking a favor to make you a website about your dog for free just because you guys are friends is not cool.

Some might be thinking, "but were friends!" or "we're relatives!" All the more reasons to not do it, douche bag. It's just like asking your friend who owns a restaurant to give you free meals every time you visit their establishment. A freebie or two or even a discount is just okay, but free meals, especially if you're asking for a fucking buffet is something only the biggest asshole would do. Someone shameless may also abuse the supposed one time offer and go there for every meal.

Again, some may argue, but it's just a favor. Friends do favors for each other all the time. Well, in a way, yes, but largely, no. Especially if you will be taking his time and resources that he could use to make more money and have him do something for you with him getting nothing in return. It's not a wise business move, and freelancing is basically a business venture. Being self-employed means one has to rely on your own shit to make it through the day. One's skills and knowledge are his capital and "products" in what he's offering to the market. Doing shit for free is not something a freelancer should do, because that's just plain bullshit.

Of course, there are some exceptions, though. The very first thing that comes to mind is when it's for a cause that the freelancer believes in. Everyone has one, and doing something great for the cause is already a big contribution. Aside from this, I really don't see other exceptions. Unless it's for your mom. You always do free stuff for your mom.

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