Tuesday, May 29, 2012

7 deadly sins quiz nicked from tumblr

Lust: Something that I find attractive.

Hmm. Lemme see. I find timidity quite attractive. I mean, I like people better when they're initially shy, but gets to warm up after a while and not after a long time. I like it when I meet people initially and they're not all blabbing about themselves and shit. 

Pride: Something that I like about myself.

What I like the most about myself is the fact that I stopped regretting things. I have decided this in high school because I thought I'd be doing a lot of stupid shit in my life and I'll only get depressed if I spend too much time worrying about what I've already did. I feel sorry if I did something wrong and hurtful, it's just that I don't like regretting what I've already done. I can promise not to do the same things again, though.

Sloth: Something that I dislike about myself.

I hate it that I get too moody. I can be happy and then literally get all cranky the next minute. I'm insane.

Envy: Something I wish I was better at.

I wish I'm better at handling money, time, and well my shit.

Gluttony: One of my favorite foods.

I like tomatoes very, very, very much.

Wrath: Something that gets me angry.

Tons of things make me angry. Some of these are those who backstab people who feed/love them, those who are too awkward for shit that they're already bothering other people because they're too awkward to act normally, those who assume that I'm already angry even if I'm not yet and even tells me to not get mad (wtf right), people who cheat on their partners, people who actually hits their partners, and the stupid people in politics.

Greed: Something I can’t get enough of.

Shoes and books and TV shows.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I really need to get out of bed now

Being 24 with a Facebook feed full of friends' pictures of their babies have really got me thinking. I am still not decided on whether I want a kid or not, especially since my stepmom is still pretty young and still want her own kids. I mean, I just can't compete with that, can I? I can't just have kids when I still have to battle them out why having additional babies is not just the greatest idea right now.

What I just want to do is become a grandma. I've read somewhere that grandparents are like anti-parents because all they do is spoil their grandkids and annoy their children. I initially thought that it's like they've forgotten how to be parents as soon as their offsprings reproduce. It's really funny, because they get to troll their children after years of telling them what to do and shit. But how do I become a granny when I'm not even sure if I'm having kids, right? Oh, me.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

I don't usually do this but well

I hardly write anything about the mangas I read. I hardly even remember most of the titles, especially the ones that are not translated in English. But Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun is just too adorable. I think it has easily captured a teenage relationship, or at least a teenage boy.

So far, most of the shojo mangas I got to read portray teenage boys as really mature creatures. They're usually not. There are some that are totally bishie and sweet and caring and loving, but they're pretty rare. A lot of the boys I've gotten pretty close to only got to be manga-like after puberty. Most of them were doofus, assholes, and douchebags in high school. Most of what they cared about is sex, since they have raging hormones and shit. Others, are really sweet and nice, but not all are exactly understanding and shit. I knew a lot of guys who were really caring and all that but are big cheaters. Some are practically perfect, but are extremely insecure and jealous of just about anyone.

This is why Haru is so refreshing. He's completely weird and is a teenage boy. He's totally consumed of his affection towards Shizu that he even remarked once that he wants to break her arms and legs just so she won't be able to run away. I know, he's pretty psycho, but most boys in high school are. Some guys even threaten their girls that they'll commit suicide if they ever break up.

In the end, I just really like how the mangaka made Haru's character. I get confused by their relationship, really, but it's okay because the whole thing is so cute. I like Haru. He's probably my favorite shojo manga guy character forever (or so far).

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Sometimes you just stumble upon a gem

Found this yesterday while aimlessly looking for new reads. Just finished it a couple of minutes ago and I am so in love with Louise a.k.a. Thumbelina and Henderson. Get it HERE.