Monday, October 10, 2011

Why I don't think I'll be Buying a Kindle Anytime Soon

30 Rock on Kindle! LOL

The best hoe posted a link on my Facebook wall about Kindle Fire yesterday. Being former literature majors, we are big on books. This is why a Kindle with the features of a tablet is a very interesting product. She wants one, and I must admit, when I first learned about it like a week ago, I did, too. Who wouldn't? It's just $199!

The thing is that I never really thought about buying Kindle in the past because it doesn't have backlight. The Goof and I are lazy fuckers so we usually end up reading in bed. Most of the time we already shut the lights off when doing this (I know, it's bad for the eyes) so we don't have to stand up and turn them off when we're already sleepy. This is why we've always needed readers with backlight. Personally, I've been reading ebooks off my cellphones since 2007 or 2008, when I got that Motorola phone with a pretty big screen. I first did that with the Goof's old Palm Pilot in 2005, and all of those gadgets have backlight. This is why I can never get a classic Kindle, because it won't work for me.

Kindle Fire promises an entirely different thing, though. Again, it has the features of a regular tablet, which is a good thing. However, it also has a good amount of disadvantages, and one of which is its small memory capacity. I'm not big in understanding technical shit, but from what I understood when the Goof explained that we can't get one, it is that it requires owners to use the cloud technology something, which (from what I hear), puts your stuff on the Amazon server so every time you need to access it, you'll need a decent internet connection.

Being in the third world, our internet is shit. So if I ever get Kindle Fire, I will need to be patient, which I am not, in any way. I'm also kind of worried that the servers will detect that my ebooks are not from legal places because I'm a cheapskate.

It's kind of sad, really, not being able to get Kindle Fire. It's easily available and cheap, making it quite a great purchase if not for the cons I've pointed out above. So, what am I to do? Opt for other alternatives like cheaper tablet PCs. We're eyeing Lenovo Ideapads, because they're also pretty affordable and we can just install ebook readers in them. That way we can get more bang for our buck.

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